Friday, June 6th, 2025
Miami-Dade College
Doral Campus
9 AM-2 PM
and YouTube Live
10 AM-2 PM


Latino cancer survivors face unique challenges, yet few resources exist in Spanish to support their journey beyond treatment. "Vivir y Avanzar" is a first-of-its-kind hybrid symposium, bringing together experts, patient advocates, and key resources to bridge this gap.
This fully Spanish-language event will provide actionable strategies, address survivorship concerns, and connect attendees with national and local support networks.
Panel Discussions: Leading medical experts, professionals, and advocates will address survivorship, mental health, financial concerns, and more.
Resource Fair: Organizations will showcase services and products supporting the Latino cancer community.
Childcare Provided: In partnership with Camp Kesem, activities will be available for children ages 6+ so parents can fully engage.
Virtual Access: Live Streamed sessions and post-event recordings will be available via the 305 Pink Pack YouTube channel.
Transportation Support: Available for Miami-Dade residents.

Topics include:
Genetic Screenings & Monitoring
Financial Planning & Employment
Demystifying Clinical Trials
The Male Perspective: Navigating Cancer as a Patient & Caregiver
Managing Long-Term Side Effects During Survivorship
Closing Reflections and Guided Meditation